Eco Conscious

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Can sustainable development save the planet? We think this is a great place to start. 


Can sustainable development save the planet? We think this is a great place to start. Explore our approach to sustainability and reducing our environmental impact.

Our goals for dec. 2025

75% sustainably sourced natural and recycled materials.

Reduce the carbon footprint of raw materials by 25%.
Reduce raw material use by 25% in coffee peripheral and outdoor-grade home products.
Doubles the life of coffee peripherals and outdoor-grade home products.

    Why we care

    About 57% of coffee surrounds and 64% of outdoor and home items are made of synthetic materials. Problems with synthetic materials? They are made of plastic. Plastic comes from petroleum. Oil is a fossil fuel that accelerates climate change. Even stranger, the link between fashion and fossil fuels wasn't until the 1980s when these materials became widely used in our industry. But we quickly become dependent on them. Dependence on fossil fuels is accelerating climate change, negatively impacting waste, biodiversity and more. That's why we need to transition back to renewable, natural materials.

    Attitude towards life

    Experience the comfort and inspiration that SIGN™ products bring to your daily life. These carefully designed objects are created with a professional and informative approach.

    Made from nature

    Nature's materials are often overlooked by manufacturers who instead opt for cheaper synthetic alternatives. It is our belief that this needs to be addressed and rectified.

    Simplicity in design

    Do not incorporate flashy logos or superfluous details. Our products and collaborations are designed with a strong emphasis on the balance between usability and aesthetics, prioritizing simplicity.